Monday, November 16, 2009


"... like a five year old learning to tie their shoes, I’d say, “I’ll do it myself.”

I never used to feel the need for support. Self-sufficient-Dan could always bear down, work harder, and press through. I could get up earlier, stay up later, and do what needed to be done to get’er done. When people tried to support me, like a five year old learning to tie their shoes, I’d say, “I’ll do it myself.” Even now my wife knows I don’t default to accepting help. Call it American independence. Call it Yankee ingenuity. Maybe it’s best to call it pride. Whatever you call it, it’s an attitude that limits our potential and chokes richness from life.

"... it’s an attitude that limits our potential and chokes richness from life."

Even Bat Man has his butler. And the Apostle Paul had a brigade of people. One was a Grecian called Epaphroditus from Philippi. I love it when Paul writes, “… Epaphroditus my brother and fellow worker and fellow soldier, and your messenger and minister to my need…Phil. 2:25.” Let the support terms bounce around in your brain.

"It’s a richer life with more potential."
Today, I’m learning to love support. Vision for effectiveness beyond my personal potential coupled with an ever growing bucket of frailties has driven me to a needy position where the value of support finally dawns on my sluggardly brain. It’s a life that includes brothers, fellow laborers, fellow soldiers, and people coming along side to give support. It’s a richer life with more potential.

Grace Freak

Dan Rockwell

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