Jesus, not political activism, is the answer to a broken world.The Church’s involvement in politics represents a colossal waste of human and financial resources, a tragic misdirection of enthusiasm, and a complete misunderstanding of the Church’s mission in this broken world. Our mission is not to create a more moral America. Our mission is not to intimidate unbelievers into living like believers before they are believers. Heck, believers don’t even live like believers should live.
Jesus, not political activism, is the answer to a broken world. Our hope is not in passing new laws, powerful political action committees, or protests attended by hundreds, thousands, or even millions of sincere, fired-up, flag waving, Bible carrying, Christians. Our hope is found in nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness.
Furthermore, any message suggesting moral people are closer to God than immoral people disregards the depth of man’s broken condition and degrades the value of Jesus’ death on the cross. Our only hope is faith alone in Jesus alone.
So why has it become spiritual to fight today?Interpreting, “thy kingdom come,” as a mandate to engage in political reform misunderstands the nature of the kingdom. Jesus said, “If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would be fighting.” So why has it become spiritual to fight today? I’m suggesting it isn’t spiritual it’s sad.
Let me ask, “Was it the moral or immoral that came under the burning attack of Jesus?” We know He relentlessly attacked the most outwardly moral people in His culture, the Pharisees. We also know He persistently welcomed the immoral. Do you agree that the best a political movement can achieve is outward morality? Is God’s blessing poured out on the outwardly moral? No.
Establishing outward morality doesn’t propel America into the place of God’s blessing.If the Church succeeds with efforts to “save America,” we may find life superficially more pleasing, our educational system more acceptable, and the political system more sympathetic. But God will not bless America. Establishing outward morality doesn’t propel America into the place of God’s blessing; it lands us in the category of those attacked by Jesus. To make matters worse, unbelievers converted or coerced into living morally upright lives become twice the child of hell as before their conversion (Matt. 23:15).
The only thing God ever blesses is faith in and love for Jesus.If the blessing of God is not invited by superficial morality, how is it invited? The greatest blessing anyone could receive is eternal life. And how do individuals receive the blessing of eternal life? Is it through moral behavior? No. The greatest blessing God bestows is received by faith alone. The only thing God ever blesses is faith in and love for Jesus. If blessings come to us because we earn them through moral behavior, grace is nullified. Check out Romans chapter four for more on the faith-blessing connection.
Grace Freak
Pastor Dan Rockwell
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